Thursday 30 April 2009

A semi by the sea

I read in the Telegraph Newspaper that "The over 40's may benefit from Aspirin".

Benefit? Its bloody essential! I was using it 20 years ago and right now I'm on the cusp of moving from Ibuprofen to Volterol, just to keep me sailing. Slow news day in the UK I guess but not here..

I'm in Dallas and I like it very much. The people are friendly and all have nice teeth. And in this politically correct part of the world they are desperately trying to re brand "Swine Flu" with a name that doesn't make pigs feel bad.

Although I thinks the word "pigs" could do with a little work too.

It's a shame that Swine Flu started in Mexico, they don't seem to have much luck and personally I think its a just a conspiracy, and another excuse not to give 'em a green card. They really should re brand that country "Mexican't"

The only thing I don't like about Dallas is people keep using that hateful word "beverage". Why cant they say "would you like a drink"? It spoils the rep of this hard drinkin' tough lone star state and reminds me of washed out salesmen. JR didn't like a "beverage" he liked a drink, so did Sue Ellen. I bet Davy Crockett, whilst successfully defending the Alamo from the second Mexican't attack in 100 degree's of heat didnt go "fuck me I could do with a beverage" did he?

Although it might have been a good idea, because they didn't repel the third attack and they got..err.. mullered.

The biggest breakthrough in my sailing this week has been the discovery of a Zhik "Loo Rip" feature in my new super warm wetsuit. Although I forgot to shut it the other day and the sudden and immediate jet of super cold water that hit my gonads as I launched effectively turned a decent life size model into a "double O" gauge replica. To quote James Blunt I really did have "a semi by the sea"

Above is a nice picture of the Mach 2 that appeared on Sailing Anarchy. Photo taken by Ingrid Abery

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